Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Along with begging comes stealing. Yes, stealing and you did hear that right. Thinking about it, I guess in a way stealing is a factor in our life. You need to do just about anything to survive in this world. It's a dog eat dog world and if you are not prepared, they will eat you alive.

Of course, we are taught that stealing is bad and we will be punished for our actions. But you can't help but to be curious about when you are a child and you can't help but to try it just once. It is usually something simple like candy or a very small toy and when you get away with it makes you develop this rush and nothing can stop you. Until you are caught. Then you learn the consequences about your actions and they usually make you go back and tell them what you done and apologize to the person you stole from. We learn from our actions and that helps us grow as a person and help us learn what is right and what is wrong.

Stealing is an important part of our lives even if we don't want to admit it. But it is here to stay from now until who knows. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Nothing cause I can't feel these thoughs of mine

Things have been okay for me during the last two days if I say so myself. If I have to say the best way to describe Thursday and Friday, I would have to say eventful. Yeah, eventful fits it very well but at least I can text Maire to make things better no matter how good or bad the day went. Of course she's one of my best friends so of course she can makes things better!

Thursday was something if I might add, okay most of Thursday was rather boring if I might like to add and nothing interesting happened. It just seems like that I've having plenty of quizzes lately in my classes. We did some review in my basic musicianship class since its been almost two weeks since our last class if I like to add. Didn't help that I had a pop quiz in that class and a test on Tuesday and that is just so wonderful. At least it was a good idea for me to stay after a little bit when class was over.

Today was okay, didn't help I have a fire drill at one in the morning and spent an hour at the school because someone burnt their food. People really need to learn how to cook and stop setting off the fire alarm. I had my first quiz in my first aid class and I did pretty good on it. And I know it since I ended up getting an 84 on it. I got another quiz on Monday on chapter five and I know for sure that I will be spending either some of Saturday or Sunday studying for it. But at least I learned how to take care of a person who is unconscious. We are not starting World War I in my modern history class by the wonderful drawing my teacher did and I think this will be one of the most interesting learning of World War I I have heard that's for sure.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Headlines tend to be pretty important in our culture today. Mostly because it is advertisement and our society loves material things and getting them of course. It is the one of the most common way of showing off your product to the world.

Besides material goods, headlines are used in shows to show who is playing right now or in the near future. It gets your name out in the open to all and whoever passes by and sees it. All of us want fame, money and our name up in lights. To be on Broadway and to become a star is drilled into us by television and movies. To sum it up, we just want to be famous and why we as humans like headlines a lot.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Rambling on Life

Well, things today have been pretty eventful if I do say so myself. Mostly just me doing work and studying for somethings that I have been pulling off lately. At leas I now know the topic I am doing for my Modern History essay exam tomorrow. Thank God the Industrial Revolution isn't hard to write an essay about for tomorrow.

Because of that, I forgot about a quiz in my basic musicianship class today and let me just say that I didn't do too well on it. So I had to stay after class along with the other people who didn't do well on it either. Because we are having trouble learning it or for me, I just forgot. Hey, it's easy to forget when you are working on a rough draft for English and studying for the Modern History essay exam all at the same time. Of course, I had to leave early since I had a conference with my English teacher and since its the same format as the ones I had in college composition, I'm pretty used to it.

The conference went by pretty quickly since it was just, look over the rough draft and talk about what the next paper is. I have to say, a compare and contrast paper isn't that hard, epically when the two things you are comparing are Duck Soup and Mars Attacks!. No, I don't think this will be a hard/complicated paper to work on. Or that's how I see it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sleepless Nights and Coffee

Ah yes, the weekend is here once again and it means one thing for me. Hello sleepless nights and my friend in the weekends, caffeine. Like every weekend, I know that I will be consuming a lot of the wonderful caffeine and who knows how much I drink. Maybe five to ten cups of coffee a day I guess. All I know that its more during the longer breaks that's for sure.

I guess I get the coffee love from my mom since she loves it a lot too. And it also helps drinking tons of it with my older sister growing up and winning every time since she can't stand the taste. Oh well, not everyone has to like coffee.

As for sleepless night, it just takes practice to get your body used to it. And it helps to be able to easily change your sleeping patterns. From sleeping in the night to just staying up until ten in the morning and not waking up until ten at night. And that just shows you are doing it correctly. Or at least that's how I see it. But this is someone who is a night owl typing this all up for a post.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Calling the whambulance. Whine-One-One.

Because nothing is more fun for the Urban Dictionary blog post than to do a popular term based on the internet. Okay, two since I can't choose between the both of them.

Word number one has to be the classic whambulance and that is the imaginary rescue vehicle that will rescue you from someone's incessant whining over a trivial matter. Used mockingly, but in good humor.

Ah yes, the whambulance, one of my personal favorites that I like to use once in awhile. The best way to describe it is a term we use to describe (in a sarcastic way) some stupid pointless drama people complain about. And yes, I have use this term in public before and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

The second one has to the all time guilty pleasure I do on the internet is trolling.

Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness. However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such. Nearly all trolled statements are meant to be funny to some people, so it does have some social/entertainment value.

"Trolling" isn't simply "harmful statements". Intentionally insulting/libelous statements are "flaming".

Just as bad as trolling is "Feeding the Trolls". This is when people say stuff that they know will prompt someone to respond with a trolled reply and/or replying to comments that are blatantly from a troll. This is especially true when a troll first makes his comment/reply, and (usually many) people respond, either trying to correct the troll, or express anger at the statement. At that point, the trolling was successful and has been fed. When encouraged by success and feeding, trolls often return.
In World of Warcraft, there are occasionally people that blurt out in world chat, "You get your mount at level 40 and costs 100 gold." then immediately signs off.

This information is outdated by over a year; but MANY people respond for at least 10-15 minutes afterwards with either corrections or calling that player a 'dummy', or something similar insulting their intelligence.

Trolling is just to mock and start drama on message boards to cause buthurt (another popular internet term) and get the people ticked off in a heated flame war. My God, I love trolling certain sites and that does include the many Justin Bieber chat sites. In honestly, it's like taking candy from a baby and they get offended very easily.