Thursday, February 24, 2011

An Ode to Comedy

What is comedy? There is many different ways to describe comedy. According to the dictionary I have in my dorm,  comedy is defined as a humorous play, ect. with a non-tragic ending or an amusing event. Looking over at the definition, to does make perfect sense about what a comedy is and how to describe it to the best of their abilities.  But it doesn't answer the most important question I can think of.

What does comedy mean to you.

For me, comedy is a stress reliever for us and it put us in a good mood. Like most movies and plays, comedy distracts you from the horrors of the real world and for a short while, helps you forget about the issues you have.  It helps you escape your life and temporarily enter another one of the comedy.  A comedy makes our life more enjoyable and of course puts us in a good mood. Besides, who doesn't like anything that puts us in a good mood when we have a bad day?

What I mean is that its good to have a laugh in our day when things get tough. It just makes your day a little bit better and makes life less dark. So don't be afraid to laugh when the going gets tough and take some time to watch something funny.

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